Climate Resilient Remediation

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Contaminated site cleanup remedies (especially long-term) should be designed, implemented, and monitored to withstand the impacts of climate change throughout the project lifecycle. Extreme weather events, flooding, and sea level rise may result in the release of contaminants to the environment or potential mobilization of contaminants through rising groundwater. The Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Defense are incorporating climate change and resiliency into several of their programs, including site remediation. Under the CERCLA five-year review, it is becoming more common to consider climate change impacts that could call into question the protectiveness of the remedy. Some states now require consideration of climate change and sea level rise impacts on site remedies. The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council recently published guidance on sustainable resilient remediation.


  • Lisa Kammer, Principal Project Geologist, Weston Solutions
  • Rick Wice, PG, F.SAME, Senior Geologist, Battelle Memorial Institute
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Hosted by SAME’s Environmental COI and Resilience COI

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