Fort Benning-Columbus Golf Tournament

Post Golf Tournament

SAME Ft. Benning-Columbus Post Presents Its 24th Annual Golf Tournament to Provide Scholarships to deserving High School Students in the Columbus Area.

The Fort Benning S.A.M.E. Post is holding its Annual Golf Tournament at the Maple Ridge Golf Club on Friday, April 16th, 2021.

Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. with Shotgun Start at 9:00 a.m. Breakfast will be available at registration. Immediately after the tournament, there will be a catered lunch, golf tournament awards ceremony, and presentation of the scholarships to the scholarship award winners. 

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.