Detroit Post Events

Detroit Post Events

All Upcoming Detroit Post Events

September Luncheon and Presentation

The next SAME Detroit Post event will be a luncheon and presentation on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024. Details and registration information will be provided soon.


SAME holds events monthly, except the month of August. Below is a selection of a few recent events.

SAME Detroit Post Annual Golf Classic

SAME Detroit Post held it’s Annual Golf Classic on July 25, 2024, and a blast was had by all! All proceeds will go to support STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Scholarships for Local Students. Thank you to everyone who participated, and a special thanks to our sponsors!! Photos are available on our Flickr Site .

US Army Corps of Engineers Detroit Project Office Tour at Historic Fort Wayne

June 26, 2024
The Detroit SAME Post attended an excellent tour and presentation of USACE’s Detroit Project Office, given by Mr. Patrick A. Kuhne, Operations Project Manager. Completed in 1850, Historic Fort Wayne has served the city of Detroit through many eras, including as a primary induction center for Michigan troops entering battle in every conflict from the Civil War to Vietnam. Today the USACE operates on 9 acres of the property.

SAME Soo Locks Tour

May 23, 2024
The Detroit SAME Post toured the Soo Locks in Sault St. Marie, Michigan. The tour was very well attended, and the group had a great time, both on the tour and at the social / cocktail hour afterwards! A special thanks to our Soo Locks Tour sponsor Blood Hound Underground Utility Locators.

Veterans Charity Run

SAME sponsored a charity run in honor of US Veterans. A good time was had by all!