SAME Philadelphia Post Resilience and Small Business Symposium

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Philadelphia Airport

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Philadelphia Airport

4509 Island Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153

This year the SAME Philadelphia Post is combining our Small Business Conference and Resilience Symposium.

Our annual symposium has successfully brought together practitioners from the Greater Philadelphia Area and beyond who can speak to infrastructure resiliency and how it can help public and private entities survive these turbulent times. Infrastructure resiliency is a crucial topic of discussion as our part of the country continues to see warming temperature trends and heavy weather events of increasing frequency and intensity. These changes pose significant challenges for our region and the city of Philadelphia. Now is the time to think about a resilient future. In the wake of the Francis Scott Key Bridge incident earlier this year, national consciousness has been raised about the importance of dredging and its impact on community resilience. In our area, the federal government is actively seeking industry support in maritime work and dredging work, so this Resilience Symposium will be a great venue for industry government engagement to support this important work.

Exhibit space and sponsorships are open!

Abstracts are open through September 6, 2024. We are using Google Forms for abstract submissions which can be accessed here.

Suggested Topic Categories
In general, we will rely on the community of practice to be the barometer indicating what topics resonate within the field of resilience/sustainable infrastructure. Here are some suggested topics, but please do not feel bound by this list:

  • Resilient Maritime Operations: Dredging
    • Small business opportunities
    • Best practices for resilient dredging operations
    • Role that dredging can play in building resilient communities
  • Resilient Leadership and Outreach
    • Assisting Communities in meeting their Resiliency goals (e.g., Advisory Services, Grant Writing, etc.)
    • Resiliency Reporting & Metrics: How do we know we’re making a difference?
    • Providing Effective Leadership, Commitment, & Communication
    • Public/ Private Partnerships for Resiliency
  • Resilient Planning
    • Making a Business Case for Resiliency
    • Selecting Resiliency Projects: Are we doing the Right Project?
    • Federal Resilient Infrastructure Investment
    • Public Health/ Health Care Infrastructure Resiliency
  • Resilient Project Execution/ Response
    • Maritime Work/ Dredging Work
    • Energy/ Power Grid Resiliency
    • Renewable Energy in Support of Community Resilience (e.g. technical challenges, competitive environment in today’s market, collaboration and lessons learned)
    • Environmental Remediation Resilience
    • Transportation Resiliency
    • Water Infrastructure Resiliency
    • Cybersecurity Resiliency
    • Historical Building Resiliency
    • Coastal Resiliency

PDHs are available! We will share the agenda so you can self report them.

Thank you to our Event Sponsors!