National Leadership Nominations

National Leadership Nominations Opens Oct. 1

Nominations for SAME President-Elect, Vice President, and Elected Director will open on Oct. 1, 2024. The deadline to submit a nomination, or self-nominate, is Dec. 1, 2024.

SAME is led by volunteers who give their time and experience to govern the organization at the national level on the Board of Direction. These positions elected by the membership play a key role in advancing SAME’s mission, vision, and strategic plan.

More information on qualifications, procedures, and nominating guidelines will be available in the coming weeks.

Questions? Contact Kathy Off with the SAME National Office.

SAME has initiated a national leadership nomination process that is inclusive, transparent and equitable. The process establishes separate nominating committees for National Officers and Elected Directors. The respective nominating committees then will determine the candidates who will be voted on by the entire Society membership during online elections, which are held each year from March 1 to April 15. Please ensure that you have read this year’s 2023 President’s Guidance and the Nominating Procedures prior to submitting.

Submission deadline is Dec. 1, 2024.

Charlie Perham, 104th SAME President, at JETC 2023

2023 President’s Guidance – National Leadership Nominations

September 14, 2023

Dear Fellow SAME Members,

The time has come to nominate the next slate of national leaders that will augment our National Leadership Team and continue the journey of SAME as a truly volunteer-led organization. Nominations will open Oct. 1, and the deadline to submit is Dec. 1, 2023.

For 10 years, we have sought a leadership team with proven dedication to the Society and our strategic direction. It has worked. The process allowed SAME to thrive over the years as we approached our Centennial and now continues to prove invaluable as we move forward into our second century of service. As we look ahead, SAME needs experienced leaders to serve our members, help them find the value in the Society, then inspire them to be the value for others.

We will follow the National Leadership Nominating Procedures, and as such, I will appoint the nominating committee for the President-Elect and Vice President positions (national officers). The Executive Director will appoint the nominating committee for the Elected Director positions. Some of you may find yourselves serving on these committees as well. They will convene beginning in December.

We need to recruit and encourage national leaders for SAME, and build on that pipeline each and every year. On October 5, SAME will host a webinar specifically to answer questions and provide information for anyone interested in submitting a nomination.

  • Everybody within the Society has a role to play in helping nominate deserving members to compete for President-Elect, Vice President, and Elected Director. Each and every member of the Society should understand the process in order to recruit, nominate, or suggest candidates; work up your leadership chain if you have questions. A couple points of emphasis: 1) we are looking for members interested in expanding their service to the national level; and 2) Elected Directors are tremendous potential future leaders across the Board of Direction.   
  • Read the Nominating Procedures, part of the SAME governance documents. The qualifications and procedures are clearly defined by these documents. Our process is tested and serves the Society well. 
  • We will sustain the two-step process:

Step 1: Both nominating committees will work together to align the challenges facing our Society today with the types of leaders we need to lead the Society to meet the challenges successfully. We have proven that a diverse leadership team enriches our Society and moves us towards the vision of our strategic plan.  

Step 2: Each committee will conduct separate, thoughtful deliberations to nominate candidates. Results from the committees will then follow our normal election process, with the SAME membership voting next spring (March 1 to April 15). I urge every member to exercise their privilege to vote! 

In closing, I encourage you to nominate potential leaders who are seeking to be the value for others. We are a Society of volunteers, and the 25,000 members deserve the most dedicated leaders we can find!

– Col. Charlie Perham, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.) 104th SAME National President

Evaluation Criteria & Qualifications

National Officers
  • Is an SAME Fellow
  • All serving Fellows will be screened for consideration by the committee
  • Nominations for National Officers may be made by any Board of Direction member, Post President, Post or Regional Fellows Point of Contact, AOF Executive Committee member, SAME Foundation Board of Direction member, any past SAME National President, or as a self-nomination.
  • National Officer candidates must submit a two minute video: “Based on my assessment of our Society’s implementation of the 2025 Strategic Plan 2025 and the challenges facing our Society, I feel I am the right person to lead SAME at this point in time because….” Videos can be sent to Kathy Off at
    • NOTE: National Officers consist of a President-Elect, who serves a one-year term then ascends to National President; and three Vice Presidents who serve two-year terms, although one may be selected for President-Elect after one year and vacate their second year as Vice President).
Elected Directors
  • Contributions to local Post
  • Contributions to the SAME Strategic Plan
  • Nominations for Elected Directors may be made by any Post President, National Board of Direction member, Post or Regional Fellows Point of Contact, AOF Executive Committee Member, SAME Foundation Board of Direction Member, any past SAME National President, or as a self-nomination.
    • NOTE: Each year, four Elected Directors are selected through membership voting, with a minimum of one being a Young Professional. Elected Directors serve three-year terms.

National Leadership at SAME

Leadership Roles & Responsibilities