Buffalo Post Officers

About the Post

Buffalo Post Officers Post Officers (2023-2024)

John Davis, GHDPresident
James KaczorVice President
Jim ManzellaSecretary
Claire MitchellTreasurer
Elected Board of Directors (2022-2025)

Kevin Opp

Nick Tomkins
(Past President)

Elected Board of Directors (2021-2024)

Kaitlin McCormick

Caryn Kiehl-Simpson

Elected Board of Directors (2023-2026)

Dan Kennedy

Carmine Tronolone

Appointed Board of Directors (2023-2024)

Mike Kane

Bill Lorenz (Past President)

Dan Castle

James Kaczor

Past President 2023-2024

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.