Post Officers
Name | Title |
Donald Carpenter, PhD, PE, LEED AP | President |
Andrew Lorenz, PE | Vice President |
Angelique Bartreau | Secretary |
Tricia Muxlow | Treasurer |
Greg Schell, PE, CPESC | Membership POC |
Garrett Ray | Golf Outing POC |
Amy Conover (2024) |
Brett Schwenke (2024) |
Douglas McDowell, PE (2024) |
Duncan Mein, P.E. (2024) |
Gail Carr (2023) |
Troy Naperala (2023) |
Tom Kaugher (2023) |
Peggy Straub (2023) |
Greg Mausolf – Past President |
Stephen Klenke – US Army Appointed |
Communities of Interest
SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.