Accelerating PFAS Site Characterization/Remediation via Adaptive Strategies & Technologies

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Accelerating PFAS Site Characterization/Remediation via Adaptive Strategies & Technologies

Wednesday, April 16, 2025 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET

PFAS assessment and remediation is top priority for the Department of Defense (DoD), with Remedial Investigations (RIs) ongoing nationwide and serving as a critical step in the CERCLA process to facilitate future risk assessment and remedial action. The evolving nature of PFAS may slow progress and completion of RIs. DoD’s time-critical need to improve cost-effective management of PFAS and mitigate risk to human health and/or the environment cannot be supported by the traditional RI approach.

BEM, at multiple DoD Installations nationwide, has used a Triad-like high-resolution characterization approach, supported by innovative stakeholder engagement strategies and technologies to achieve DoD priorities. Case studies detail where real-time data review, decision-making, and concurrence on achievement of Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) were facilitated by an online Project Management Dashboard (PMDBTM) that effectively synthesized large and complex datasets into comprehensive illustrations and deliverables. The approach effectively reduces the need for extraneous mobilizations and interim work planning and reporting to significantly reduce the timeline (by years) and costs (by millions of dollars) of an otherwise traditionally slow, rigid, and costly RI approach. Discussion also includes considerations for managing environmental data in compliance with DoD’s requirements under the recently-finalized Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Program.


  • Jason McNew, Program Manager/Senior Engineer
  • Andrew Crabb, Sr. Solutions Architect; QA/QC Manager, BEM
  • Arthur Wickham, PG, CPG, CHG, Sr. Project Manager, Sr. Hydrogeologist, BEM
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