ACG Virtual Training Opportunities

CxA Workshop On-Demand + Live Q&A (September 21). This 3-hr pre-recorded video will cover all aspects of commissioning ranging from project management to functional testing, and both new and existing building commissioning. This one-hour online session with our experienced instructors was an extension of the workshop, intended to allow clarification of concepts introduced in the workshop, replicating as much as possible the interaction from an in-person seminar. 

Thursday, September 21, 2023 | 11:00 AM EST

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Cx Spotlight Series: Monitoring Building Performance & Ensuring and Maintaining Savings Through MBCx (September 28). Join this session to explore the types, benefits, and implementation of commissioning, with a special emphasis on Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx) and its role in ensuring persistent energy savings and preventing building drift.

September 28, 2023 | 2:00 pm – 3:00 PM EST (virtual, live)

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Virtual Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Training (October 18-19) that helps reduce energy costs and optimize building systems. The course covers basics of energy management and commissioning strategies, including establishing system performance, monitoring building performance through monitoring-based commissioning, building/site assessments, evaluating ECMs, and more. Earn up to 8 AIA LUs. A cash rebate of 80% is available.

October 18 – 19, 2023 | 1 – 5 PM EST

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Virtual Energy Management Professional (EMP) Seminar (November 1-2). Instructors explain EMA’s commissioning-based approach to energy management that maximizes energy savings and optimizes building performance. Sample problems and common calculations will be demonstrated throughout the workshop. Earn up to 6 AIA LUs. A cash rebate of 80% is available.

November 1 – 2, 2023 | 2 – 5 PM EST

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