The Post is once again coordinating “Day with an Engineer” (DWE) as a key component of Engineer’s Week. This event is scheduled for Wednesday, February 21, 2024. The purpose of the event is to allow high school students the opportunity to gain an understanding of engineering and scientific disciplines by working side by side with experienced professionals.
As in years past, we are again looking for firms ready and willing to volunteer their time and facilities to make the 2024 event a success. WE are looking for firms to participate by hosting two or more students. Help high school juniors and senior learn about our profession by providing students with the opportunity to be actively involved in a variety of engineering and scientific activities, such as brainstorming, design, and execution of a client deliverable with a project team. In 2023, we had a good turn out and excellent feedback from over 40 highly motivated students and 8 generous firms who donated their time and efforts.
We are continually trying to improve this program and this year we would like to reboot and build on the pre-covid 2020 program. For this year’s event, we would like to give to each of the student participants a T-shirt commemorating the event and their participation as a reminder of what they were involved in. To make this vision materialize, we are asking for firms to help support the 2024 SAME Baltimore Post DWE program with a Gold ($750), Silver ($500) or Bronze ($250) sponsorship. You don’t have to be a host to be a sponsor. Any firm or individual making a donation will get their firm’s name and/or logo listed on the commemorative T-shirt and recognition at a future SAME event. The DWE committee is counting on you to step up to the plate and “engineer” a victory for this year’s proceedings. For more information on how to make a donation, please email