EBC 24th Annual Winter Garden Party

Boston Museum of Science

The SAME Boston Post is once again pleased to partner with the Environmental Business Council of New England for their 24th Annual Winter Garden Party on Wednesday, December 4, from 6:30pm – 8:30pm.

This year, we’ll be gathering in the beautiful Red Wing of the Museum of Science in Boston. The Atrium and Planetarium Foyer offer a beautiful backdrop for networking with friends, colleagues, and new faces from across the energy and environmental industries at EBC’s annual Winter Garden Party.

Take in the Cosmic Light exhibit while chatting about solar and renewables. Try and follow the activity happening within Archimedean Excogitation, a 1987 audiokinetic rolling ball sculpture by George Rhoads. Or simply stroll around the Red Wing, enjoying the excellent food and drink provided.

As event partners, along with the LSP Association and the Society of Women Environmental Professionals, all SAME members will be able to register at the EBC member rate.

For more information and to register, please go to the EBC’s website by clicking on the “Register” button above.