Journey to Fellow: What is a Fellow? What are the Benefits?
Thursday, January 18, 2024 | 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (*part one in a three-part webinar series)

The SAME Academy of Fellows has crafted Journey To Fellow to debut in 2024. This program has the mission to create awareness and cultivate members for the Academy of Fellows, fortifying the Society for a sustainable future. This innovative program promises several annual opportunities for members to delve into the nuances of Fellowship, strategies to maximize efforts toward earning this distinction, and the chance to connect with peers on a similar journey.
The first webinar in the series, “What is a Fellow? What are the Benefits?”, will create awareness and cultivate members for the Academy of Fellows, helping fortifying the Society for a sustainable future. But why would you want to be a Fellow?
Fellowship helps…
- Your career path, leadership skills, and visibility grow.
- Your firm or organization gain recognition with a network of senior industry and military/agency leaders.
- You give back and grow your profession and the Society.
Join this webinar for a discussion on what it means for you to be a member of the SAME Academy of Fellows.
- Nadja Turek, P.E., LEED AP, ENV SP, WELL AP, GGP, F.SAME, Cincinnati Bell
- Rear Adm. Mark Handley, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.), AECOM
- Chris Erickson, P.E., F.SAME, USACE St. Paul District
- John Remus II, P.E., F.SAME, USACE Northwestern Division
- Jeanne LeBron, F.SAME, AtkinsRealis
Hosted by the SAME Academy of Fellows
For registration questions or issues, contact

“I urge you to approach this honor of being invested as a Fellow not as a moment in time, or a professional ‘lifetime achievement award’ of sorts. Rather, I urge you to approach your new status as Fellow as the start of a new opportunity, a charge to be a role model, a charge to be a mentor, and a charge to share all you have learned with future leaders with whom much can be shared, and just as much learned.”
-Heather Wishart-Smith, P.E., PMP, LEED AP, F.SAME, F.ASCE, 2018 Gerald C. Brown Mentoring Awardee