Date: March 11, 2025 11:30AM-1:00PM
Location: Terracon (9522 E. 47th Pl., Unit D, Tulsa, OK) (Map)
We will have two topics this month – see below:
Topic – Arkansas River Program: Adam Smith, USACE Tulsa District, will be giving an update on the Arkansas River Program that USACE is doing with Keystone Lake, Arkansas River Corridor, and Tulsa-West Tulsa Levee.
Topic – Leading in Many Directions: Retired Coast Guard Capt. Sid Osgood, F. SAME will present on his professional journey of more than 32 years of service in the federal government both with the USACE and USCG. Sid will discuss leadership perspectives from the top, middle, and the frontline, his career turning points and green lights, and the importance of teams. In addition to his professional career, he will also discuss the various leadership roles available within SAME at the Post, Regional and National Level.
Steven “Sid” Osgood is the Technical Director for the Coast Guard’s Civil Engineering Unit (CEU) Oakland, California. CEU Oakland is responsible for all major maintenance and repair of the Coast Guard’s shore facilities in California, Oregon, and Washington and provides shore planning and real property support for the entire Pacific Area. In this role, he oversees the program management, design, and construction for projects throughout this area of responsibility.

Sid is a 1993 graduate of the United States Coast Guard Academy where he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree with honors in Civil Engineering. He also earned a Master of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and a Master of Science Degree in Engineering and Management from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Sid is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of California and is a certified Project Management Professional.
Prior to reporting to his current assignment, Sid served as the Deputy Construction Branch Chief for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District from 2021 to 2023. He retired as a Captain in the Coast Guard in August 2020. Prior to his retirement, he served as the Commanding Officer of CEU Oakland. His other active duty Coast Guard assignments included Damage Control Assistant aboard USCGC MELLON (WHEC-717) home-ported in Seattle, Washington, Construction Manager and Tower Program Coordinator at CEU Oakland, Facility Engineer and Industrial Manager at Base Los Angeles-Long Beach, Project Manager for the Ports and Waterways Safety System Acquisition Project, Program Manager and Design Team Leader at Facilities Design and Construction Center Pacific, Commanding Officer of the Rescue 21 Project Resident Office in Scottsdale, Arizona and Program Manager for the Financial Management Service Improvement Initiative at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Sid’s military awards include two Meritorious Service Medals, four Coast Guard Commendation Medals and other personal, team and unit awards. He is a Society of American Military Engineers Fellow and served as the President of the San Francisco Post from 2018-2020.
POC: Anna Childers