November Resiliency Webinar – OBO on Climate Security & Resilience

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November Resiliency WebinarOBO on Climate Security & Resilience

November 9, 2023, 12 PM EST

Presented by:

John D. Pitts, P.E., PMP, Director of Civil and Structural Engineering

David Keller, P.E., LEED AP, Climate Security & Resilience, Program Manager

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The Department of State’s Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) has significant natural hazard risk. With over 25,000 facilities worldwide in the more than 200 countries where the United States’ diplomatic platforms are located, OBO is exposed to some of the planet’s natural hazard extremes. This, combined with the vulnerabilities inherent with operating in some foreign countries (e.g., outdated local codes, water scarcity, conflict, etc.) and also significant deferred maintenance of the United States’ own properties, demands a proactive approach to natural hazard adaptation, including those hazards exacerbated by climate change.