SAME Charleston Post Invites You to the USACE Charleston District Forum
WHEN: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 | 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
WHERE: Buyer Auditorium, Mark Clark Hall
The Citadel Ave of Remembrance, Charleston, SC 29409
WHAT: Charleston SAME post is hosting USACE Charleston District for a forum to learn about the district and its current and upcoming projects, the challenges they face, and what they need from industry!
Moderator – Lt. Col. Rachel Honderd
Retired Commander of Charleston District and current SAME Charleston President
Dan Klingshirn
Deputy DPM – Serves directly with the DPM. Responsible for district oversight for program and project management for Charleston District’s three main programs – Civil Works, Military Programs, and International and Interagency Support.
Carole Works
Chief, Engineering Division – Provides oversight and execution of all engineering activities for the Charleston District. The engineering division is responsible for the planning, studies, and design reports of all engineering services provided by the District.
David Dodds
Chief, Construction Division – Responsible for Construction Contract Administration and Quality Assurance for the District’s three main programs – Civil Works, Military Programs, and International and Interagency Support. Dodds manages this execution through district Construction staff and three field offices in the state of South Carolina: Savannah River Site (DOE Support) Resident Office in Aiken, SC; Fort Jackson Resident Office in Columbia, SC; and Lowcountry Resident Office in North Charleston, SC.
Tonya Willis
Chief, Office of Small Business Programs – Facilitates small businesses’ access to contracting opportunities, trains and counsels businesses for success, provides the most current small business initiatives and project status, and establishes a broad base of capable suppliers to support the Army’s mission. Assists small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, women-owned small businesses, historically underutilized business zone small businesses, veteran-owned small businesses, and service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses in competing for prime contracts and subcontracting opportunities with large businesses.