SAME Dallas Post – September 2024 Meeting

Plano, Tx
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PDH Hours

Dallas Post September 2024 Luncheon

The Ports-to-Plains Alliance is empowering communities and businesses by paving the way for change in three critical areas: safety, economic development, and transportation funding. Our luncheon speaker, Lauren D. Garduño, PE, President & CEO of Ports-to-Plains Alliance, will talk about how the Alliance is improving transportation infrastructure and business networking opportunities so business and industry can thrive.

Meeting sponsorships are available  Gold sponsor, $500, and limited to two sponsors, or Silver sponsor, $100, unlimited. Contact for more information or to sponsor. Click HERE for more information.

Bring your business cards and a healthy appetite! AND don’t forget to bring cash for our raffle that benefits the Dallas Post scholarships. Door prizes are provided by our sustaining member firms. Attendees will earn 1 hour of PDH credit.

Meeting Date & Information: Monday, September 16, 2024, Maggiano’s in Plano, 6001 W Park Blvd. Registration/networking11:30 am; lunch and guest speaker: noon

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