Fort Leonard Wood Post Officers

About the Post

PresidentTom Tunnicliff
Vice PresidentVACANT (Pending Acceptance)
2nd Vice PresidentJim Rowan
Post Secretary (Military)CPT Douglas Kaiser
Post Secretary (Industry)Jabe Moore
TreasurerMAJ Joshua May
Young MemberCPT Brandon Mastrine
Military Member(s)MAJ Rich Ghinelli
Centennial Liaison/Membership DirectorCOL Kevin Golinghorst
Student ChapterVACANT
STEM/K12 OutreachJared Johnson
SAME Camp(s) Support CoordinatorSteve Tupper, F.SAME
Small Business LiaisonPending Acceptance
Programs ManagerDave Neeley, F.SAME
Website ManagerEd Lefler, F.SAME
CredentialingMSG Frank Batts
Immediate Past PresidentMAJ Dustin Berry

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.