Besides our monthly guest speaker program here is a list of Programs the Fort Benning – Columbus Post offers.
The Fort Benning – Columbus, GA Post provides scholarships to deserving students pursuing an engineering or science degree from a College or University. Applicants should have an interest in Military Engineering. However, all deserving applications are encouraged to apply.
The Fort Benning – Columbus, GA Post sponsors an annual Golf Tournament in June held at the Follow-Me Golf Course. Please review the Golf Tournament web page for more information.
Numerous activities in the local post are geared toward Young Members.Young Member Programs are designed for those SAME members 35 years of age and younger.
Field Trips/Programs
In the past, members from the local post have visited Lawson Army Airfield and New Barracks constructed at Fort Benning. Future programs include working with area schools and assisting in area clean-up activities. Many of the guest speakers speak on topics of interest to young members.
In the past, young members have been successful earning in PE reference materials and recommendation letters from other members as they prepare to take the PE Exam. Some young members have utilized the contacts made as a member of SAME to seek new employment. Young Members (YM) are an important part of the local chapter. Most of the local post’s leadership are young members. YMs are active in MATHCOUNTS, Help the Hooch and are active supporting engineering events and presentations in area schools.
National Young Member Affairs Committee
For those interested in serving on a national committee here is your chance. The National Committee is looking for around 7-10 people across the country. The time commitment is a conference call every two months. This is an excellent opportunity to tell SAME HQ what is going on out there and they can make the Society better for Young Members.
Other Committees
The International Action Committee is looking for Young Members to join their National Committee.