Los Angeles STEM


A decision was reached early in 2013/2014 school year, and the SAME LA Post has taken a fresh approach to support the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Outreach Program in our Boyle Heights school district.  In addition to the successful participants in the adopt a school campaign, the LA Post is acting as one unit, rather than individual sponsorships of our private companies.  We expect that this team approach will encourage support (both financial and volunteer) from all our SAME members without the obligation of a year long commitment.  Of course, we are maintaining our successful relationships and excited about building new ones.

We have continued to support and encourage field trips, science fairs, college fairs and STEM related activities.  It was an exciting day to have General Bostick visit Roosevelt High School and observe our teens compete in engineering related activities.  Hal Hays has continued to develop their relationship with Bridge Street Elementary.  In the summer of 2013, HHCI donated college pendants in support of college awareness. The most exciting news is that Bridge Elementary is in the process of creating a Research and Technology Center for the school community.  HHCI will be donating laptop batteries for use in the new lab.

SAME LA  purchased a “mathletics” license for Santa Teresita School for $1600.00.  Administrators at Santa Teresita are very enthusiastic about this program.  Mathletics will monitor the students activity and participation, allowing advanced students a platform to continue to thrive while privately providing tutorials for the students in need of extra help and basic repetition.  This program is used around the world and it will give our Boyle Heights students a look into what students around the globe are doing.

Betance Enterprises and SAME LA provided the 5th grade students of Sunrise Elementary the opportunity to attend a DOD sponsored science camp.  Betance matched SAME LA’s $2500.00 donation to purchase the transportation needed to attend STARBASE.

STARBASE Los Alamitos (Dept. of Defense) is a local upstart of a nationally-based program located on Joint Forces Training Base. As a CA Youth Academy they target 5th graders with expectations of increasing their knowledge in STEM. They are a hands-on project-based program that is aligned with the CA State Common Core Standards; targeting schools like Sunrise that are Title l and underperforming/under-privilged.

Betance enterprises has also started a field trip fund at Santa Teresita with $2500.00 and it is our expectation to duplicate this fund in other schools by our continued support through our SAME LA post. 

**SAME is currently sponsoring two deserving students at the Air Force Academy summer engineering camp in Colorado Springs, CO.

We would love to get the word out that the opportunities to help are limitless! 

Any questions about the STEM program may be directed to the STEM Outreach Chair:

Michael Betance
Betance Enterprises, Inc.

AFA Summer Camp

As part of STEM event, Air Force Academy (AFA) Summer Camps are sponsored by SAME to offer a very unique series of engineering camps designed for High School students who excel in math, science and technical courses and are interested in pursuing engineering in college. These one–week camps are high energy, hands–on events for students from across the country and around the world. The camps are led by a professional staff of engineers from both private industry and the military services.

SAME LA is currently sponsoring two deserving students at the AFA summer engineering camp in Colorado Springs, CO. 

We would like to thank Betance Enterprises for sponsoring and participating in a day long construction activity!

Learn more about SAME CAMP

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.