Warfighter Engineering Community

2024 WarfighterInbrief | Outbrief

2023 WarfighterInbrief | Outbrief

2023 Warfighter: Seminar 1 | Seminar 2

2022 WarfighterInbrief – Outbrief

2021 WarfighterInbrief – Outbrief

2023 JETC TTExInbrief | Outbrief

2019 JETC TTExInbrief | Outbrief

JECO COI Mission

Community Mission

The mission of the SAME Warfighter Engineering Community of Interest (COI) is to facilitate discussion among the military services and industry on current joint engineer operations and the issues that need to be addressed for future joint engineer operations.

  • Include combatant command engineers, field commanders, training center commanders and supporting contractors.
  • Facilitate discussion among the Engineer Officer training centers at AFIT, AES, CECOS and the Marine Corps Center of Excellence on training and education of engineer forces to support the combatant commanders.

The desired end state is the increased relevancy of SAME within the Joint Force and Component Engineer Communities while supporting Contingency Operations.

From the Field Webinar: Indo-Pacific

SAME National Webinars