Small Business Council

SAME Small Business

Community Mission

The mission of the SAME Small Business Council is to promote the role and relevance of small business in SAME through outreach, training, opportunity and recognition.

Join the SAME Engage Small Business Network


Importance of Small Business

Small business firms contribute approximately 80 percent of our nation’s job growth. Our entrepreneurial approach fosters innovation, drive, and success. Often considered “renegades,” we are an invaluable asset to our nation’s economy and the military mission.

The SAME Small Business Council is committed to keeping SAME Members informed with the most up–to–date information from the world of small business. We regularly send out an electronic newsletter to help you stay ahead of the latest trends and take advantage of current developments in growth and partnerships.

If you are interested in getting more information about Small Business Council activities, or in serving on the SAME Small Business COI Steering Committee, please e-mail with your contact info to Sally Clark and Ann McLeod.

COI Objectives

  • Inform SAME of technical programs of interest to small business members
  • Provide opportunities to meet with key military decision makers
  • Represent small business interests on select SAME national committees
  • Keep members informed on small business regulations and legislation
  • Provide opportunities to highlight small business success stories and lessons learned

SAME National Webinars

Partner Events