Mid-Maryland Post Scholarship

2025 Applications are OPEN.

Post Scholarship

The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) is a premier global engineering organization with a mission to “lead collaborative efforts to identify and resolve national security infrastructure-related challenges”. A primary means of fulfilling this mission is to encourage talented students to pursue careers in engineering, architecture, and related fields.

The Mid-Maryland Post of SAME supports the mission by providing assistance to deserving students pursuing a baccalaureate degree in engineering, architecture, or related science, planning, and construction fields at local colleges and universities. Scholarship applications will be reviewed in April and awards of at least $1,000 per recipient will be announced in May.

Scholarship applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible:

  • United States citizen;
  • High School senior or full-time undergraduate student (freshman through junior) at an accredited university or college (including 2-year community colleges), preferably in the Frederick / Baltimore / Washington, DC area;
  • Pursuing an associate or baccalaureate degree in engineering, architecture, or related science, planning, or construction fields; and
  • Have not been awarded this scholarship more than four times in the past.
  • Applicants must submit the attached application form, an official transcript, and a narrative, type written and no more than 750 words, addressing the following:
  • Academic / professional goals and how it relates to the mission of the SAME;
  • Extracurricular activities;
  • Summary of previous military service, if any; and
  • Other comments to assist the selection process.

The applicant’s school counselor, academic advisor, or administrator must endorse the application to verify enrollment. The scholarship will be awarded after college enrollment is confirmed in the school year awarded. The scholarship will be paid directly to the School Registrar.

Application, narrative, and official transcript must be mailed or e-mailed, to arrive no later than April 22, 2025 to:

Shelby Cheese
SAME Mid-Maryland Scholarship Director (STEM, Golf, and Camps)
c/o Bold Concepts, Inc.
814 W. Diamond Avenue, Suite 200
Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (443) 974-3305  

Past Scholarship Winners

2020 Winners

Parker Bagshaw, Scholarship Winner Bryce Kampert, Scholarship Winner Evan Chase, Scholarship Winner

2019 Winners

Parker Bagshaw, Scholarship Winner Matthew Patrick, J.Michael Nash Scholarship Winner Emily Frashure, Scholarship Winner

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.