Minneapolis-St. Paul Post Minnesota Military Family Foundation

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Minnesota Military Family Foundation Golf Classic

The Minnesota Military Family Foundation (MMFF) 13th Annual Golf Classic was held on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at Bunker Hills Golf Club in Coon Rapids, MN.

THE SAME MSP Post sponsored a hole with a donation of $1,500.

SAME Minnesota Military St. Paul Post Family Foundation Golf Classic

Dana Wagner from sustaining member firm Terracon Consultants organized a foursome for the event.  The group included: Bob Watkins, 3M; Scott Seymour, Willis Towers Watson; and Eric Thoreson, The Okonite Company.  Dana works with 3M on various engagements and with Willis Towers Watson on projects and deals requiring transaction insurance.   Eric’s company provides cable to clients in the power generation and transmission sector.

The MMFF I recognizes the sacrifices military families make by softening the financial hardships that occur when a family member is deployed or otherwise serving our country.  The MMFF provides a financial safety net.

The Minnesota Military Family Foundation is an all volunteer board with zero overhead.

Read testimonials from retired military personnel and families.

Kenton Spading. PE
St. Paul, MN  55117-3460
Desk: 651-290-5623
Voice/Text: 651-272-7970

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