Call for Presentations is Open for the 2023 Small Business Conference

SAME’s Call for Presentations for the 2023 Small Business Conference, being held November 1-3, 2023, in San Antonio, Texas, has opened for submissions! This is your opportunity to submit your fresh, forward-thinking ideas and deliver the education and insights that businesses need to succeed in the federal marketplace in 2023 and beyond.

The first step to entering your abstract is to review the Session Submission Resources webpage for more specifics on the types of sessions we’re looking for, speaker guidelines, and the abstract evaluation process. 

Submit your abstract submission by Monday, June 12, 2023. Each speaker may submit up to two (2) sessions for consideration.

SBC serves small businesses across the spectrum–from those trying to get their foot in the door to those with many years of success winning in federal contracts. Therefore, we’re searching for sessions geared toward these four tracks to serve a broad audience:

  • Entering the Federal Marketplace – ideas and approaches to promote and position a business that’s new to federal work.
  • Marketing and Business Development – what businesses need to understand about how to promote and position themselves, the uniqueness of selling to the government, and how to build brand awareness.
  • Regulations, Rules, and the Government Framework – sessions focusing on what small businesses need to understand about ever-changing and evolving government laws, regulations, guidelines, and programs.
  • Advanced Business and Procurement Strategies – means and methods for established businesses looking to excel and grow further.
Hear from Gloria Larkin, President & CEO, TargetGov, on why you should speak at SBC!