Call for Presentations is Open for the 2024 Small Business Conference

The call for presentations for the 2024 Small Business Conference, hosted by SAME and scheduled for November 20-22 in New Orleans, La, is now open! This is your chance to submit innovative ideas and provide valuable education and insights aimed at helping businesses thrive in the federal marketplace, both now and in the future.

If you have an topic you’d like to present at the conference and are ready to submit your abstract, begin by reviewing the Call For Presentation Resources webpage. Here, you’ll find detailed information on the types of sessions we’re seeking, speaker guidelines, and the abstract evaluation process.

The deadline for abstract submissions is Thursday, May 30, 2024. Each speaker may submit up to two (2) sessions for consideration.

The Small Business Conference is designed to cater to the needs of a broad spectrum of businesses, ranging from newcomers pursuing their first federal contract to seasoned veterans with a long history of securing federal contracts. As such, sessions tailored to the following four distinct tracks are sought to address the varied interests and requirements of attendees:

  • Entering the Federal Marketplace – ideas and approaches to promote and position a business that’s new to federal work.
  • Marketing and Business Development – what businesses need to understand about how to promote and position themselves, the uniqueness of selling to the government, and how to build brand awareness.
  • Regulations, Rules, and the Government Framework – sessions focusing on what small businesses need to understand about ever-changing and evolving government laws, regulations, guidelines, and programs.
  • Advanced Business and Procurement Strategies – means and methods for established businesses looking to achieve success and drive growth.

Get involved with your professional community by submitting your abstract today. Your expertise is needed to help build the critical bond between industry and government. There is Strength in Partnership!

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