Tulsa and OKC’s Posts’ 2024 Leadership Development Program: “NeuroLead: Harnessing the Power of Neuroscience for Leadership Excellence” is planned as a 3-part seminar with the following dates, times and locations:
- 1st Session “Motivation”: June 13th (Tulsa) & 20th (OKC): 5:30pm-7:30 pm
- 2nd Session “Conflicts”: Sept. 5th (Tulsa) & 12th (OKC): 5:30 – 7:30 pm
- 3rd Session “Self-awareness”: Nov. 14th (Tulsa) & 7th (OKC): 5:30pm – 7:30pm
The sessions are limited for the registered participants; however, if you would like to join as a guest participant in any of the sessions, please email Anna Childers
We encourage especially our Fellows to participate in the seminars to show their support and commitment for the future leader development of SAME.