Voting for SAME’s Board of Direction Now Open

It’s that time of year to vote for the SAME National Board of Direction for 2023. Voting is open from March 1 to April 15th. The ballot includes candidates for President-Elect, Vice President, and Elected Director. 

Jump to the 2023 Ballot Form (members will be prompted to log in)

For 2023, there are eight Elected Director candidates vying for four spots. Vote for any four Elected Director candidates. While the Vice President and President-Elect candidates are running unopposed, voting for these individuals is an integral part of SAME’s governance, and affirms the membership’s confidence in the Society’s leadership.

Members may vote only once. Once you vote, you cannot submit a vote again.

To read more about each candidate and their leadership history and statement of commitment, visit the official election page.

For President-Elect

(vote for one)

Sharon Krock, SPWS, F.SAME
Headshot of Sharon Krock

For Vice President

(vote for two)

Michael Huffstetler, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP, F.SAME
Headshot of Michael Huffstetler
Ben Matthews, P.E., F.SAME
Headshot of Ben Matthews

For Elected Director (vote for four)

Brandi Smith, CF APMP
Brandi Smith
1st. Sgt. Shane Payne, USA*
Shane Payne
Christina Przygoda, RA, PMP, LEED AP*
Christina Przygoda
Ens. Erin Krug, P.E., PMP, USNR*
Erin Krug
Candice Scale*
Candice Scale
Col. Robert Grainger, P.E., PMP, F.SAME, USAF
Robert Grainger
Ree Miskimon, CPSM
Col. Anthony Higdon, P.E. F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Anthony Higdon

*Young Professional. Per SAME’s bylaws, the highest vote-receiving Young Professional will be elected regardless; however, more than one Young Professional can be elected if they are in the top four of votes received.

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