History of Post Coin

In the spring of 2008, under the direction and guidance of Post President Mary Anderson, F.SAME, the Northern Virginia Post of the Society of American Military Engineers, announced an open competition for the design of a Post Coin that would recognize patronage and support to the Post. The competition was open to all Northern Virginia Post Members, Sustaining Member Firms, Students, and immediate family members.
The selection committee for judging the submissions was chaired by Dick Ragold, P.E., F.SAME, and other committee members were Mary Anderson, Tom Delaney, Jim Donahue, Don Hazen and Amber McCormick. A point scoring system was used to judge the entries.
At the Post’s monthly meeting on July 10, 2008, the winning design was awarded to Dewberry, a long-time sustaining member of the Post. The coin was designed by Dave Huh, a graphic designer within Dewberry’s Communications Department. Dave graduated from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, in 1999.
Our coin is awarded by the President to individuals who help support our goals and objectives. Customarily, coins are given to our luncheon speakers, Directors of note, and in December, 2012, members of Fort Belvoir’s Warrior Transition Unit who attended a reception in their honor by our Post. The Northern Virginia Post of the Society of American Military Engineers is justly proud of its unique and prestigious Post Coin.
The winning coin design is shown above: Patriotism, the engineering community and a strong sense of history: these concepts were the focus for Dewberry’s submission to the Northern Virginia Post’s Coin Design Competition.
The front of the coin features three main elements: the eagle, an American symbol analogous to patriotism; a shield, to symbolize defense of our nation; and a columned structure, beneath the Post’s name and charter date, to remind the coin recipient of the Northern Virginia Post’s connection with Fort Belvoir.
The rear of the coin features the national SAME logo surrounded by a colorful graphic element punctuated by four stars, to remind the recipient of the guests that have provided insight and guidance to the Northern Virginia Post throughout its history. As mentioned in the Post’s website history, “Five of the Post’s first 10 speakers were generals and admirals. The Post’s beginning started a trend of using flag officers assigned to the National Capital Region.”

Communities of Interest
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