NOVA Post Membership

Post Membership

Membership in the Society is open to persons and organizations with an interest in military engineering, a desire to increase the engineering potential of the United States for national security, and to further the objectives of SAME. Each membership offers you a Post affiliation, please consider affiliating your membership with the NOVA post.

SAME has a variety of memberships designed to suit individuals and organizations. These are listed below with links to SAME headquarters where online or printable applications are available.

Individual Membership offers professionals in the A/E/C field the opportunity to develop important business contacts through national, regional and Northern Virginia Post events. Membership dues are set to your situation:

  • Young and Regular Memberships in these categories (Young members are 39 years old and younger)
    • Government – Active-duty services members and civilian Government employees
    • Private Industry
    • Academia/Non-profit
  • Retired
  • Student – full-time students, 25 years old and younger
  • Additional individual post affiliations are available for only $10/year (which typically pays for itself in savings by attending a single event at the member rate)

Company/Organization Memberships offer your organization the opportunity to network with industry leaders in the public and private sectors, as well as the uniformed services. All company/organization memberships also allow you to add a certain number of your employees as members. Each individual receives the benefits of a regular individual membership, deepening the value of your overall investment in SAME. You can maximize your return on investment when all of your individuals participate in SAME national and Post-level activities at the member rates – your membership can pay for itself in savings almost immediately.

Membership in SAME

Individual Membership

Company/Organization Membership


NoVA Post Awards & Recognition


2024 Award Winners

2023 Award Winners

2022 Award Winners

2021 Award Winners

2020 Award Winners

2014 Awards

National Awards

Sophia Gull, Bishop Ireton HS, US Army Camp, Vicksburg, MS; Katherine Krawietz, Robinson HS, USAF Academy Camp, Colorado Springs, CO; Drew Wagner, Battlefield HS, USAF Academy Camp, Colorado Springs, CO; and Justin Steiner, Robinson HS, US Marine Corps Camp, Camp Lejeune, NC.

Post Awards

Arlington Diocese Science Fair (7th & 8th Graders)—April 12, 2014, Paul VI High School, Fairfax
NoVA SAME Award Winner — Certificate of Excellence and $50 prize
Sydney Tucker, St Thomas Aquinas Which Wind Turbine Design is the Most Efficient?
David Bevins, Beshoi Genidy, Alejandra Martinez, Taylor Reuter, Helen Chen, Tiffney Kathir and Lauren Schwartz Scholarship Recipients

National Awards

2013 Awards

Distinguished Post
Distinguished Student Chapter (GMU)
Natasha Turkmani, National Cathedral School, DC, U.S. Army Camp; Max Marosko, South County HS, VA, U.S. Air Force Academy Camp; and Joshua Warren, West Springfield HS, VA, U.S. Air Force Academy Camp. (Unfortunately the USN and USMC Camps were canceled due to sequestration.)

Post Awards

Dr. Bill Kilpatrick, HP Environmental — Member of the Year
Frankie Muñiz, URS — Young Member of the Year
Jeannine Nelson, ECS — Post Service Award
The PMC Group —Small Business of the Year
Versar — Large Business of the Year

Arlington Diocese Science Fair (7th & 8th Graders)—April 20, 2013, Paul VI High School, Fairfax
NoVA SAME Award Winner — Certificate of Excellence and $50 prize
Gannon La Croix, St Andrews the Apostle School Effect of Rogue Waves on Boat Keels
David Bevins, Carlos Flores-Garay, Steven Kool, Daniel Drangstveit, Christina Franz, and Joseph McMahon Scholarship Recipients

2012 Awards

National Awards

Distinguished Post
Daniel Drangstveit, Centreville HS, U.S. Air Force Academy Camp; Lauren Schwartz, Lake Braddock HS, U.S. Navy Seabees Camp; Ashley Huynh, Robinson Secondary, Fairfax, U.S. Army Camp; and Spencer Cobb, Yorktown High School, Arlington, U. S. Marine Corps Camp were Post-sponsored at the respective Engineering and Construction Camp (unfortunately the USAF Camp was cancelled due to fires)

Post Awards

Roman J. Roman, E.K. Fox — Post President’s Award
Jay Manik, CDM Smith — Member of the Year
Vanessa Aririguzo, CDM Smith — Young Member of the Year
Sean Lindenmuth, George Mason University – Chapter President — Student Member of the Year
CDM Smith — Large Business of the Year
AFG Group, Inc. — Small Business of the Year
Connie Myers, Atkins — Post Service Award
John Cardenas, Urban, Ltd. — Post Mentoring Award
Alfred M. Beck, PhD Author, US Army Center of Military History and the Historical Division Office of the Chief of Engineers —
7th Annual Award for Journalism in Recognition of Architecture or Engineering Achievement
Carlos Flores-Garay, Sean Lindenmuth, and Vincenzo Basile —$2,500 Scholarship Recipients

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.