Oklahoma City Post Luncheon & Sponsors

S.A.M.E. Oklahoma City Post invites you to join us for any of our monthly luncheons, industry events and networking opportunities.

DatesEventsLuncheon Sponsor
January 9th, 2025Installation of New Officers & SAME 101 | Guernsey Learning CenterTBD
February 21st, 2025Oz Safe Rooms | Guernsey Learning CenterTBD
March 21st, 2025Forever Chemicals | (Location TBD)TBD
April 18th, 2025Post Tension Operations | (Location TBD)TBD
May 16th, 2025TBD
June 20th, 2025Waldrop Construction
July 18th, 2025TBD
August 28th, 2025SAME OKC Post – Industry DayMultiple Opportunities
September 19th, 2025TBD
October 20th, 2025Scholarship Fundraiser Golf Tournament | River Oaks Golf Course in Edmond, OKMultiple Opportunities
November 21st, 2025Readiness & Resiliency WorkshopTBD
December 11th, 2025Annual Holiday Party TBD

Thank you to our

2025 Sponsors

We extend our gratitude to our 2025 Sponsors for their support as yearly sponsors of S.A.M.E. Oklahoma City.

Their commitment has been instrumental in propelling our organization’s mission and achievements over the past year. Their generous contributions have empowered us to make a meaningful impact in our community and industry, and we deeply appreciate the trust they continue to place in us.

As we reflect on the past year’s successes, we recognize the pivotal role sponsorships play in our accomplishments. Looking ahead, we are enthusiastic about the opportunities that the upcoming year holds, and we are confident that, with your continued support, we will reach new heights.

Thank you for being an integral part of S.A.M.E. Oklahoma City’s success, and we look forward to continuing this impactful journey together.

Interested in becoming a 2025 Sponsor?

The 2025 Annual Sponsorship Program will be announced November 1st, 2024!

Check out our SPONSOR BENEFITS and email us at info.sameokc@gmail.com today!

Sponsor Registration Form
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2025 Sponsorships
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
When you make a payment, please send an email to the S.A.M.E. email and send your company logo to: info.sameokc@gmail.com or upload here.

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.