Become a Member of S.A.M.E. OKC Post Today!

A common misconception about S.A.M.E. is that you have to be in the military or be an architect or engineer.
Let us dispel that belief and let you know that we are always welcoming anyone in the Architect / Engineering / Construction industry!
We have members in the marketing / business development field, safety professionals, estimators, and more!
S.A.M.E. Oklahoma City Post is considered a Medium Post with our 281+ individual members and 36+ company members.
Young Professional Volunteer Pool
We are so excited to announce a new initiative starting at Oklahoma City Post, the Young Professional Volunteer Pool.
What is it?: The YP Volunteer Pool is a group of young professionals who agree to receiving an email “Call for Volunteers” to volunteer for various opportunities at our monthly events; to either work our registration check-in desk or serve on a special events committee.
What it is not: This is not a board committee position.
How does it work?: Each month we will send out a “Call for Volunteers” to work the registration check-in desk to the YP Volunteer Pool. If able, YPs can respond and volunteer for that current month or special events committee opportunity.
What will I be responsible for?:
– Show up at the designated time within the volunteer call.
– Assist with setting out name badges, sign-up sheets, table tents, etc.
– Man the table throughout registration and ensure check-in runs smoothly.
What experience or training do I need for this?: NONE! You don’t need any experience or training to participate in the YP Volunteer Pool. We will provide onsite training of how check-in runs and answer any questions you may have.
S.A.M.E. Oklahoma City Post – Picture Gallery

Communities of Interest
SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.