Panama City Post Programs

Post Programs

Panama City Post manages a variety of programs designed to support SAME national objectives. Programs range from professional development of existing members, sustaining member involvement, interaction with community and other organizations, and developing young professionals and future engineers. Post programs follow guidelines set out in national Streamer Awards which define program goals and objectives for each post.

General Membership Meetings & Invitation to Speak

Our monthly meetings are conducted in partnership with local chapters of the Florida Engineering Society (FES), Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), and American Public Works Association (APWA).

Do you have a program, interesting project, or new technology to highlight?  Are you a municipal, state, or federal agency with contracting opportunities to share?  Sign up to be a guest speaker at one of our monthly meetings!  Your audience will include members of the Society of American Military Engineers, Florida Engineering Society, American Public Works Association, and Institute of Transportation Engineers.  Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to connect with these individuals!

Post Awards Program

Panama City Post maintains an annual awards program is to acknowledge and recognize those who have significantly contributed to the mission of the Panama City Post, and to nominate these individuals for SAME National Awards.  Our award categories include the following:

  • Young Professional Award
  • Individual Member 
  • Sustaining Member/Public Agency Member Sustaining Firm (Large or Small) 

The Post provides each winner with reimbursement of up to $500 for any valid Education & Mentoring expenses in the year after receiving the award.  The Post also submits a nomination for the winner for any applicable National Award for which they are eligible.

Learn more about the nomination process


Past Programs & Quarterly Newsletters

January – March 2020
April – June 2020
July – September 2020
October – December 2020

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.