Panama City Post STEM

STEM Scholarship Program

The SAME Panama City Post awards annual High School Scholarships and College Scholarships to provide financial assistance to local high school and college students pursuing a degree or certificate in the fields of engineering, architecture, construction management, cybersecurity, applied science, and applied math. The number and value of scholarships granted is dependent on the quality and quantity of applications received. Typical awards are between $1000 and $1500.

Students are evaluated based on:

  • Academic achievements
  • Leadership
  • School and community involvement
  • Personal motivation
  • Commitment to a career in their selected field

Scholarships are available for students who plan to attend or are attending an accredited 2-year or 4-year college or university with a major in engineering, architecture, construction management, cybersecurity, applied science, or applied math. 

High School Scholarship Applicants must be a senior at a high school in Bay County, Calhoun County, or Gulf County.

College Scholarship Applicants must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Be a student at Gulf Coast State College, Florida State University-Panama City, or Haney Technical Center
  • Be a student of another institute of higher learning, but whose family lives in Bay County, Calhoun County, or Gulf County
  • Be a prior Panama City Post scholarship recipient


  • Applications are due by midnight, March 31.
  • Scholarship Committee reviews applications and makes selections in Mid-April.
  • Scholarship certificates will be given out at high school recognition events, if possible, and winners and parents will be invited to a scholarship recognition ceremony at the Panama City Post Industry Day in April.

Congratulations to our 2024 Scholarship Winners!

Ashley Steen, J.R. Arnold High School | Elizabeth Colwell, Bay High School | Carmen Shuler, Rutherford High School | Katrina Le, Rutherford High School | Daniel Kling, North Bay Haven Career Academy | Chance Jenkins, J.R. Arnold High School | Luke Barber,  North Bay Haven Career Academy | Sophia Tuzun, Rutherford High School

Jim Frishkorn presents SAME Scholarships to Chance Jenkins and Ashley Steen of J.R. Arnold High School

SAME Summer Camps

SAME has been conducting STEM Engineering Construction Camps for over 30 years.  Our STEM camps are world-class and feature a very impressive record of producing thousands of engineers and STEM graduates. Our camps are for high school students and generally feature hands-on activities, conducted in a competitive environment, promoting teamwork, leadership, project management, and problem solving.  Each of our camps have a unique curriculum with the common thread being a challenging environment and hands-on activities.

Learn more about SAME Camps

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.