About Pikes Peak Post

About the Post

The Pikes Peak Post (PPP) of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) is focused on networking and community involvement that increases collaboration between the public and private sector, professional and personal development of our members, as well as tailored opportunities to promote education and credentialing of our membership. The PPP is one of six posts located within the Rocky Mountain Region. The post also supports a Student Chapter at the US Air Force Academy located in Colorado Springs, CO.

Sister Posts in the Rocky Mountain Region, include:

  • Albuquerque Post, Albuquerque, NM
  • Big Sky Post, Malmstrom, MT
  • Denver Metro Post, Denver, CO
  • Frontier Post, Cheyenne, WY
  • High Plains Post, Cannon AFB, NM
  • Tularosa Basin Post, Holloman AFB, New Mexico

View Pikes Peak bylaws.

Mission, Vision & Goals

The Society of American Military Engineers kicked off our 100th year of existence by publishing the 2025 SAME Strategic Plan in January 2020. While the plan is new, the purpose and direction of the Society remains unchanged.

2025 Mission

Build leaders and lead collaboration among government and industry to develop multi-disciplined solutions to national security infrastructure challenges.

2025 Vision

Serve our nation as the foremost integrator for leadership development and technical collaboration within the A/E/C profession.

2025 Strategic Outcome

Set the industry standard for active membership that creates lasting impact at the local and national levels.

2025 Strategic Goals
  • Strengthen industry-government engagement
  • Build and sustain resilient communities
  • Develop leaders for the profession
  • Enrich the STEM pipeline for the nation
  • Prepare servicemembers and veterans for the A/E/C industry
History & Charter
SAME Pikes Peak Post Charter Certificate
Pikes Peak Post Charter

Be it known to all by these presents:

The members of The Society of American Military Engineers residing in and near Rocky Mountain Region having associated themselves in the formation of a local unit of the Society, and having applied for charter under the style and title above indicated; Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority reposed in us by the Constitution of The Society of American Military Engineers we have this day granted to the said Pikes Peak Post this Charter of Incorporation as witness our signatures and Seal hereto affixed.

It shall be the purpose of this Post to promote the aims of The Society of American Military Engineers and the interests of the National Defense, by fostering closer personal relations between the members of our Society, by stimulating the interest of the profession in engineering preparedness, both personal and material, for the defense of our country, by the dissemination of engineering information bearing on defense, and by maintaining the high standard and traditions of the profession of military engineering.

This unit and its members shall observe all the duties and requirements and enjoy all the rights and privileges which are now or may hereafter be demanded or accorded by the provisions of the Constitution of the Society, and by the laws of the United States. This Charter shall be perpetual.

Given at Washington, D.C. this 7th day of November, 1942.

The Society of American Military Engineers

Signed by the President and Secretary

Post Officers
Brett Jackson, PE, PMP, CEM, LEED APPresident
JP Arnold, LEED GA, APR1st Vice President
James Hodges, PE2nd Vice President
Matt Riggs, PE, PMPTreasurer
Jenna Reagan
Megan Windeknecht
Young Professionals Representative
Col (Ret) Brad Wambeke, PEUSAFA Representative
Joe Schwarz, F SAMEFellows & Senior Members Representative
Post Committees
Kristin Lum-PerreiraPrograms
Kimberly RobertsonMembership
Sarah DurstCommunications
Andrea AndrewsGolf Tournament
Todd Cartwright, F SAME, P.E.
James Hodges, P.E.
Scott Prosuch, F SAME
Bill BearyNational Security & Resiliency
MSGT Nicholas HeierEnlisted Advisor
Bob Fant, F SAMECredentialing & Professional Development
Russ Cirillo
Kenda Enney 
Edie Fiske
Small Business
Brett JacksonIndustry-Government Engagement (IGE)
CDR (ret) Jason WoodService Member & Veterans Outreach

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.