
About Post Program

Our Post Mentoring Program is lead by our Director of Leadership & Mentoring, James Kisiel. Many San Antonio Post members have benefited from mentorship as mentors or mentees.  A mentoring relationship is a learning and development partnership driven by the mentee to improve an area of their professional or personal life. The mentor is someone who has experience in certain areas and the mentee is someone who wants to learn. The relationship is based upon communication and progression toward the mentee’s goals. 

As a mentor, mentoring can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your personal and professional life. The benefit to you may be the professional and personal success of your mentee; passing on your wisdom, networks, and experiences to the next generation of leaders; and/or the development of a lifetime friendship with your mentee. 

As a mentee, you can benefit from the wisdom, experiences, perspective, and life and technical knowledge of someone with professional or personal interests that are similar to your own. A mentor can contribute to your growth and development as a person and as a technical professional and leader. 

If you are interested in getting a mentor or being a mentor, we encourage you to take advantage of our Post Mentoring Program. Below are the mentor and mentee applications and some guidance on mentoring/mentoring relationships.

Mentoring Information