Small Business

Post Small Business Program Leadership

The San Antonio Post has a robust Small Business Program. Young Professional Sarah Fowlkes, from Jacobs and the winner of the 2023 SAME Post Small Business Liaison Officer Award, is the Post Small Business (SB) Coordinator. Cathy Bond Cassidy from Bold Concepts is the new Post Small Business Co-Coordinator. Our SB Coordinators work under our Post Industry-Government Engagement Director Sam Barnett. Our SB leadership is interested in any ideas you may have to make our program even better.

Post Small Business Event

The Post conducts an annual 2-3 day Small Business Market Research Fair (SBMRF) typically in the Spring time frame. The SBMRF offers opportunities to get engineering and construction project updates from leaders of DOD agencies such as the Air Force Installation & Mission Support Center, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Air Force Installation Contracting Center, Army Installation Management Command, NAVFAC and USACE. The SBMRF also includes one-on-one sessions with a broad spectrum of Government engineering, environmental, construction, architect, contracting and small business representatives. The SBMRF has also included Industry-Government Engagement sessions to help implement new or resolve issues with government A/E/C programs. This event attracts SAME members from across the country and SAME National leaders, so it provides networking opportunities with may other SAME professionals. The Post also typically holds its annual Education & Mentoring Fund Golf Tournament in conjunction with the SBMRF to add some fun and sport time to the business networking opportunities of the event.

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