Young Professionals

Need Your Participation

The Post is interested in ensuring that it is providing a meaningful experience to you and that what we provide is of interest to you. The San Antonio Post’s young professional program is for SAME members under 40. It is an outstanding opportunity for professional development, networking, career guidance, and just plain fun. All it takes is an investment in time.

We are working on many ideas to improve the young professional program. Having many varied and interesting and varied SAME activities may foster more young member involvement in the Post. Some ideas being considered include:

  • Mentoring programs and professional development discussions
  • Peer discussions on assignments, jobs, projects, etc …
  • Tours to sites of engineering interest (need ideas here…)

We encourage young engineers from the sustaining member firms to participate. There is quite a bit that military and private sector engineers can share and learn from each other.

SAME provides the young member with many opportunities to learn, to grow, and for fun. Without your ideas and participation, we can’t make these programs happen.

Andrew Silvas from Broadbent & Associates is the Post’s Young Professional Director and wants to hear your ideas on YP events and activities.


Most young professionals are familiar with Facebook, but did you realize that there is a networking tool available for working professionals as well?

LinkedIn is the leading professional networking tool online, used by over 10 million professionals worldwide.

LinkedIn is FREE. Besides the benefits of communicating with each other, others include:

  • Leverage the power of the network to find and reach the new business contacts you need;
  • Accelerate your career through referrals from other members;
  • Know more than a name – view rich professional profiles from fellow members;
  • Let other members know what you have to offer professionally to them and their contacts.

SAME YP Information

You will find a repository of information for Young Professionals at the SAME website. The information is designed to serve as a resource to help Young Professionals in Posts share information, plan Post activities and events geared toward Young Members and to engage Young Members in The Society’s recognition and leadership opportunities. View the SAME Young Professionals Community of Interest webpage.

Post YP Discounts

Our Post offers some special discounts to its young professionals.

The Post offers discounts for Post young professionals to special event(s) such as our Annual Holiday Gala held in December each year.

We encourage all Post young professionals to take advantage of these opportunities.

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.