About San Diego Post

About the Post

The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME), the premier professional military engineering association in the United States, unites architecture, engineering, construction (A/E/C), facility management and environmental entities and individuals in the public and private sectors to prepare for — and overcome — natural and manmade disasters, and to improve security at home and abroad.

The SAME Mission

“Build leaders and lead collaboration among government and industry to develop multidisciplined solutions to national security infrastructure challenges.”

The SAME Vision

To be a premier global engineering organization advancing the professional and personal growth of its members, the military and public sector engineering community, and the architecture, engineering and construction industry.

The SAME Values

Integrity: Unwavering commitment to always do what is right, regardless of consequences.

Patriotism: Support our national ideals and take pride in our country.

Public Service: Recognize the critical contribution that public servants make in supporting the economic and environmental needs of the nation.

National Security: Recognize the dedication of our national security team, comprised of the uniformed services, civil service and contractors, in defending freedom.

Technical Competence: Deliver high-quality solutions.

Excellence: Strive for the highest standards of performance in all actions, both personal and professional.

Environmental Stewardship: Preserve, protect, conserve and restore our national resources through sustainable practices.

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.