Scott Field Post President’s Message

Message from the President

Dear Scott Field Post Members,

I’m excited to be the new Scott Field Post President. I want to thank Renee La Bruyere whole heartedly for her leadership to the Post over the last eighteen months. You have been an enthusiastic and dedicated leader for our Post and I truly am grateful to have had the opportunity to volunteer with you. Renee is going to continue to be a great support to our Post in her role as Past President and leading our annual scholarship golf outing, which is scheduled for May 10, 2024. We have nearly 80 golfers ready to take the challenge at Far Oaks Golf Club. Thanks in advance for your support of this event. It is the #1 event we hold each year to raise money for the scholarships we provide to local high school students as they venture into their first year of college. This year we have increased our giving amount to reflect the growing interest and involvement of our post membership. Your commitment helps make this happen.

We just participated in our annual Industry event with the St. Louis SAME Post and SMPS. This year, we changed things up a bit and introduced a technical tract to support our presentations from government representatives and a networking event at Dogwood Social. We also included one on one time for our members to engage with the agency reps. Feedback has been positive on the new format and we look forward to hearing more from you on how we can enhance your experience as a member and volunteer in our Post.  

Our committees have been very active working and planning for activities that will engage our membership and provide opportunities for you to learn and network with professionals in government and industry. The year moves fast so don’t forget to make time to take a look at the programs and mark your calendars. We are planning for more joint events with other regional organizations as well as events where we can have some fun.  In June, we are going to be on the go for the Veterans Community Project Tour. In July, we will be back at Bella Milano for presentation by the 375th Air Mobility Wing. For August through December, we will be on the go for skeet shooting, bags tourney, trivia, and a holiday celebration. Please keep an eye on your emails for meeting notifications so you don’t miss out on the fun.

This year we had to take a pause for the SAME STEM Camp at Scott Air Force Base. We are looking for a volunteer that can take the Camp Director role and work with SAME National to get the camp back on the calendar for 2025. The STEM Camps provide such a wonderful opportunity for students to get hands on experience and an introduction to innovation and contributions that careers in STEM can bring.  If you are interested or know of anyone that would be a great leader for this opportunity, please give me a call and let’s talk. Since we are not sponsoring a local camp, we have invested in two local students for full support to attend the STEM camp at the Air Force Academy. These two young men and their families are excited to participate and extend their thanks to our Post, our members, and our sponsors for giving them this memorable experience and valuable connections for their future.

2024 is a big year for SAME. Our SAME Foundation has launched a fund-raising campaign that involves all of our regions and posts. Our SAME National has a new leader and the organization is setting out on a 2030 strategy to guide SAME for the next five years. We are strong but we could always use you. Have you ever that about a leadership role with our Post or at a National level? Then consider getting involved with a committee and start your journey today. Please reach out to me if you would like to get involved or share a new idea/activity/committee. In closing, I would like to encourage our members to invite a guest to each meeting/event. Help grow our Post and expand your personal connections.


Michelle French, F. SAME
Scott Field Post President

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.