Seattle Post Committee Reports and News

Post Committee Members

Existing Seattle Post Committees
2023 and 2024
By Laws Section and
Description from By Laws (italics) and Activities Included
TBDArticle VI 2a“By-Laws: Reviews annually the Post’s Bylaws for possible amendments. Advises Post officers as to applicability of the Bylaws in conducting the affairs of the Post. Monitors changes in the National Constitution and Bylaws for their possible effect on the Post.”
HouseTBD Article VI 2b HouseHouse: Makes all arrangements for Post and Board meetings and associated activities, including menu selection, table and seating arrangements, visual and sound support systems and any other service required. Provides for storage of Post owned and leased equipment. Maintains and displays the Post’s flags.” Coordinates with Programs for event venues, facilities, services, and reservations.
Scholarships  John Souza
(425) 301-8920
 Article VI 2c “Scholarship: Develops and administers the annual program of scholarship fund raising. Provides recommendations to the board for student nominations for scholarships to the PSE&SSF. Working
in conjunction with the PSE&SSF, the committee establishes the number of scholarships and their amounts not to exceed the amount available for distribution as per the annual report of the PSE&SSF and as supplemented by Post fund raising efforts. Develops and recommends fund raising events to the Board of Directors. The Chairperson will be the principal point of contact with the PSE&SSF for Post input for the scholarship selection process. Works with the Young Member Vice President to develop programs and activities for young members and Student Chapters.”
NominationsTBDArticle VI 2eNominations: Provides the nominees for the annual election to be held in May of each year. Provides nominees to the Board whenever there is a vacancy in accordance with Art. IV # 4.

E-Mail Campaigns
Melissa Grasso
(425) 931-2662
Article VI 3f “Communication: Publishes the Post’s quarterly newsletter. Ensures that required notices are included and that it is delivered to the members in a timely manner. Publicizes the activities and programs of the Post through newspaper, the POST website, and journal notices. Obtains photography of noteworthy events and provides the Secretary with representative copies for the historical files. Responsible for maintaining the POST website.” Inclusive Activities: Emails, Webpage, Newsletter, Social Media, Address Lists – Membership.
Social Media/
Media Relations
Article VI 3f
ProgramsZachary Pesicka
(253) 951-3522
Article VI 3e
 “Programs: Arranges for Post meeting programs and engages speakers and presenters by considering topics of interest to the membership. Facilitates planning and execution of field trips.
Coordinates activities with: the Young Member Vice President to address the interests of young members; the Communications committee for publicizing topics and with the House Committee for
necessary audio-visual support.
” Includes all standing annual and monthly programs and activities: Luncheons, Meet the Chiefs, Speaker Forums, Meet the Agencies, Design Excellence, Field Trips, Golf Tournament
Field TripsTBDArticle VI 3e
Meet the ChiefsLydia Griffey
(907) 343-5268
Article VI 3e
Meet the AgenciesKevin Stoll
(206) 696-4625 
Article VI 3e
FellowsManny Bautista
(206) 972-0645
Article VI 3c AwardsAwards: Provide recommendations for Board approval for National and regional awards as well as nominations for the SAME Academy of Fellows and other Post Awards and recognition as appropriate.
AwardsTBDArticle VI 3c Awards
Streamer AwardsLydia Griffey
(907) 343-5268
Article VI 3c Awards
Design ExcellenceJason Hu
(206) 661-3748
Article VI 3c Awards
Strategic PlanningTBD Article VI 3i “Strategic Planning: Provides the Post leadership with advice, assistance, and continuity to ensure that the direction and overall health and welfare of the post remains strong, vibrant, and relevant to the needs of the membership and the surrounding community. Develops strategic direction to provide a focus with strategic intentions and actions recommendations for the Post President and Board of Directors. This will be accomplished annually by establishing and/or reviewing the Seattle Post Mission,
Vision, Strategic Intentions and Actions; all of which will be based on both the Seattle Post requirements and the SAME National Annual Plan.
MembershipKim Baker
(206) 448-1911
Article VI 3a
Membership: Promotes the membership activities of the Post by recruiting new members, implementing recruiting campaigns, monitoring membership lists, maintaining member name tags and providing a forum for member’s input. Periodically solicits membership to ascertain if their desires are being fulfilled” 
SustainersZachary Pesicka
(253) 951-3522
Article VI 3a
Young MembersWilliam Shelton
(864) 421-2527
Article VI 3g – Young
Member, Education,
and Mentoring
Young Member, Education, and Mentoring: Develops and administers Post Mentoring and Young Member activities including; Student Chapter support and development, educational pursuits for Young Members, merit awards to area students, the Techno Bowl and SAME Engineering or Construction camps. Acts as liaison with existing Student Chapters within the geographic area of the Post. Develops a working relationship with the Student Chapter Reserve Officer Training Candidate (ROTC) units, and the Seattle Post to foster communications and provide mutual assistance as needed. Encourages participation in each others’ programs and endeavors. Recommends and participates in the development of new student chapters and with the Young Member Vice President encourages young member participation.
Engineering CampsCDR (Ret) Terry McCann
(206) 799-2784
Article VI 3g – Young
Member, Education,
and Mentoring
STEMLT Bohdon Wowtschuk
(206) 220-7434
Article VI 3g – Young
Member, Education,
and Mentoring
Wendy LS Oresik
(206) 354-3697
Article VI 3b
Professional Development: Promotes the professional development of the individual Post and student Chapter members through activities designed specifically for this purpose. Such
activities include workshops, seminars and other like activities but do not include social events or events historically funded from the general post operating budget such as membership, PSEC, Fast Start, Science Fairs, etc. Activities for professional development must be approved by the Board on a case-by-case basis. Activities shall be financially self sustaining and priced to cover costs plus a moderate amount to be used as seed money for future activities. Five (5%) percent of the gross proceeds for each activity shall be paid to the Post Operating fund to cover the indirect costs expended by the Post on behalf of the professional development events such as advertising and general administration.
Energy and SustainabilityWendy LS Oresik
(206) 354-3697
Article VI 3d
Identifies concerns and issues that impact the conduct of civilian and military endeavors in the engineering /design/construction area. Advises the sustaining members and the military departments of these concerns.” Outreach to professional organizations and industry. Advocacy, and liaisons with other professional organizations: Small Business, Energy and Sustainability, PSEC, ACEC, APWA, AIA 
Assistance to
Michael AlboneArticle VI 3d
TBDArticle VI 3d
PSEC Liaison
(Puget Sound
TBDArticle VI 3d
Small Business
TBDArticle VI 3d
Andy HoughArticle VI 3h“Readiness and Homeland Defense Security: Maintain and updates the Operation Fast Start Plan for the purpose of promoting SAME readiness to respond to a range of natural disasters and national emergencies including Homeland Defense Security issues.”

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.