Bliss Medal

Bliss Medal

The SAME Bliss Medal is awarded to a SAME member in recognition of superior efforts in mentoring students in engineering and related disciplines. The medal is named in honor of Gen. Tasker H. Bliss, USA, and was first awarded in 1958.


Full time educators or mentors of architecture, engineering or construction in a college, university or military engineer school who has been a member of SAME at least one year prior to nomination.

Nomination Criteria

Excellence in educating, mentoring, and motivating students through classroom instruction, presentations, seminars, competitions and/or Student Chapter activities. Nominee may be a faculty member, Student Chapter mentor or active sponsor/participant in STEM Education or Student Chapter activities.

Nomination Process

Nominations for this award must be made by a Society member and endorsed by a Post President or member of the National Board of Direction, using the Society nomination form. The Post President or member of the National Board of Direction endorsing the nomination will verify that the individual meets the eligibility criteria for the award, and that the nomination package provides information to support each of the nomination criteria and all required information on the nominee. The nominator is responsible for ensuring the package, with endorsement, is received by SAME National.