Golden Eagle Awards

Golden Eagle Nominations

Nominations are open for 2025 recipients.

Submit Nomination

Candidate for contributions to the profession must be an SAME Fellow with outstanding contributions to the engineering, architecture, construction, or related professions. View Past Recipients


Candidate for contributions to the A/E/C profession: While not mandatory, it would be preferred if the candidate has been recognized, AFTER achieving Fellowship, for continuing to display outstanding contributions to SAME. This could include any of the following, or other similar type SAME position or SAME award:
• Gerald C Brown mentoring award
• Gold Medal
• President’s Award
• Distinguished Fellow
• Post President 
• National President or Foundation President
• Individual IGE Award
• Individual STEM Award
• Ed Gibson Veteran Transition Medal 

The intent is that the Golden Eagle, being the pinnacle award presented by SAME, sets an example recognizing continued service to The Society.


Nominations for this award must be made by a SAME member. Nominations will be submitted using the SAME on-line form. Nominators must provide contact information for the nominee and the reasons why he/she believes the person should receive the award. Additional endorsements will be accepted and should be sent to Kathy Off.

The Vice Chair, Awards & Recognition, will provide potential nominees to the National Leadership Team for selection.

History of the Golden Eagle Award

In 1782 the bald eagle was chosen as the emblem of our new nation because of its long life, great strength and majestic looks, as well as the belief that the bald eagle could be found only on the North American continent.

One legend says that another reason the bald eagle was chosen as the U.S. national emblem was that, during an early morning battle of the American Revolution, the noise of the struggle awoke sleeping eagles on the heights, who flew from their nests and circled above the heads of the fighting men. As they flew above, they bellowed raucous cries, causing the patriots to exclaim, “They are shrieking for freedom!”

President John F. Kennedy once wrote of this majestic bird, “The Founding Fathers made an appropriate choice when they selected the eagle as the emblem of the nation. The fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolize the strength and freedom of America.”

For these reasons and more, the SAME Academy of Fellows named its annual honor after this majestic symbol of American dedication and spirit to a greater good. The award was sculpted as a crystal eagle in flight above a solid wooden base, further symbolizing the strength and character of the individuals being honored.

Past Golden Eagle Award Recipients