Post Officers
Executive Board
Title | Name/Affiliation |
President | Jim Klein, Farnsworth Group |
First Vice President | Pam Hobbs, Geotechnology |
Second Vice President | Kevin Golinghorst (COL Ret.), St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
Secretary | Mark Wieners, Shannon & Wilson |
Treasurer | Bob Welsch, Stantec |
Immediate Past President | Brad Loomis, Tepa ES |
Director | Michelle Chambliss-Cain, Faith Group |
Committee Chairs
Committee | Committee Chair/Affiliation |
Attendance | OPEN |
Awards | Chris McDonald, B&N Inspection |
Website | Elizabeth Greff, Faith Group |
Golf | Bob Welsch, Stantec |
Individual Members Veterans Outreach Initiative Membership, Co-Chair | Michelle Chambliss Faith Group |
Nominating | Pam Hobbs, Geotechnology |
Programs | Michelle Chambliss-Cain, Faith Group |
Publicity and Reports | Elizabeth Greff, Faith Group |
Resilience and Homeland Security | John Osterhage, USACE |
Young Members Membership, Co-Chair | OPEN |
Education and Mentoring | OPEN |
Communities of Interest
SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.